Email Addressmnasim@iut-dhaka.edu
Office AddressRoom#127 (Ground floor), First Academic Building, MPE Department
Office Phone+88029291254-59 Ext 3204
Dr. Mohammad Nasim
Assistant Professor
Dr. Nasim has joined the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering as an Assistant Professor in February 2023. Professionally, he is a Mechanical Engineer, who has experience of working in different industries and universities. His research interest includes product design, injury biomechanics, active/passive safety, polymer processing and characterization, and mechanical behavior of materials. He is open to collaborate on projects related to his field of interest. He was awarded the Marie Curie Actions Fellowship, Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, OIC partial Scholarship, and Higher Secondary Government Scholarship during his scholastic period.
Specialization : Injury biomechanics; Passive/active safety; Rheology of polymers; Material characterization; Finite element analysis.