Email Addressarafat@iut-dhaka.edu
Office Phone+88029291254. Ext. 3207
Office AddressRoom No: 105, Old Academic Building
Arafat Ahmed Bhuiyan, PhD
Dr Arafat Ahmed Bhuiyan, currently, Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program for Mechanical and Production Engineering Degree in IUT. Dr Bhuiyan received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree from IUT, and Ph.D. at the Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. His research covers computational engineering with application to combustion, multi-phase flow, clean energy technologies with focus on CO2 capture, renewable energy and alternative fuels. His research is mainly relevant to process simulations, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, energy systems. He supervised several M.Sc. Engineering students; published more than 75+ refereed articles in leading journals and conferences. He is member of the Institutions of Engineers (IEB) and Bangladesh Society of Mechanical Engineer (BSME), Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society (AFMS). His current h-index is 21 with over 2500+ citations. He worked as Editorial member in several International Conference Proceedings and also the reviewer of several top rated journals having SCI Indexing. He is currently the PI of the IUT Seed Research Grant, an attempt to improve the combustion capability of existing power plant highlighting the CO2 neutralization in Bangladesh.
Specialization : Computational methods in fluid-thermal sciences,Combustion and thermo-chemistry, Clean combustion dynamics, CO2 capture technologies, Renewable fuels production via thermo-chemical routes.